What is interesting with following members on time dimension?
Correct! The December 2000 must not be a member of 2001 calendar year.
How is it possible? Well it must have be a bug in Analysis Services but is quite easy to eliminate. Still not satisfied? Here are some simple steps to establish problem in Adventure Works:
- Run 2 sql inserts into relational Adventure Works (script 1 in the bottom)
- Run script 2 in the bottom to create new time sister dimension. Note: sister dimension [Date test] must be added into cube manually via BI studio. (Alternate step is to change key column of the Date attribute of the Date dimension - but you will run into lot of problems with measure groups)
- Full process this new sister time dimension.
- Process cube Adventure Works (I had to kick out all data mining things to make full processing working.)
- Run script 3 to experience the strange behavior - also visible on next picture.
- Change the MemberNamesUnique property and retry previous step. And there you go (like in Greece Wedding) : setting MemberNamesUnique to True/False is the feature when using natural datetime key for the key attribute.
Script 1:
INSERT INTO dbo.[DimTime] (
/* FullDateAlternateKey - datetime */ '20010101',
/* DayNumberOfWeek - tinyint */ 6,
/* EnglishDayNameOfWeek - nvarchar(10) */ N'Friday',
/* SpanishDayNameOfWeek - nvarchar(10) */ N'Viernes',
/* FrenchDayNameOfWeek - nvarchar(10) */ N'Vendredi',
/* DayNumberOfMonth - tinyint */ 1,
/* DayNumberOfYear - smallint */ 1,
/* WeekNumberOfYear - tinyint */ 1,
/* EnglishMonthName - nvarchar(10) */ N'January',
/* SpanishMonthName - nvarchar(10) */ N'Enero',
/* FrenchMonthName - nvarchar(10) */ N'Janvier',
/* MonthNumberOfYear - tinyint */ 1,
/* CalendarQuarter - tinyint */ 1,
/* CalendarYear - char(4) */ '2001',
/* CalendarSemester - tinyint */ 1,
/* FiscalQuarter - tinyint */ 3,
/* FiscalYear - char(4) */ '2000',
/* FiscalSemester - tinyint */ 2 )
INSERT INTO dbo.[DimTime] (
/* FullDateAlternateKey - datetime */ '20001231',
/* DayNumberOfWeek - tinyint */ 6,
/* EnglishDayNameOfWeek - nvarchar(10) */ N'Thursday',
/* SpanishDayNameOfWeek - nvarchar(10) */ N'Jueves',
/* FrenchDayNameOfWeek - nvarchar(10) */ N'Jeudi',
/* DayNumberOfMonth - tinyint */ 31,
/* DayNumberOfYear - smallint */ 366,
/* WeekNumberOfYear - tinyint */ 52,
/* EnglishMonthName - nvarchar(10) */ N'December',
/* SpanishMonthName - nvarchar(10) */ N'Diciembre',
/* FrenchMonthName - nvarchar(10) */ N'Décembre',
/* MonthNumberOfYear - tinyint */ 12,
/* CalendarQuarter - tinyint */ 4,
/* CalendarYear - char(4) */ '2000',
/* CalendarSemester - tinyint */ 2,
/* FiscalQuarter - tinyint */ 2,
/* FiscalYear - char(4) */ '2000',
/* FiscalSemester - tinyint */ 1 )
Sript 2 (is too long so here is attachment):
Script 3:
with member Measures.KeyName
[Date Test].Calendar.CurrentMember.UNIQUE_NAME
member KeyCaption
[Date Test].Calendar.MEMBER_CAPTION
select {KeyName, KeyCaption} on columns,
{[Date Test].Calendar.[Date].&[2000-12-31T00:00:00]:[Date Test].Calendar.[Date].&[2001-01-01T00:00:00]} on rows
from [Adventure Works];